It happened, it finally happened! One day shy of 12 weeks old and Q slept through the entire night without waking - from 6pm until 5:50am.
I owe this incredible event not just to the Bible of baby books which has become highly prized in the SuperRad family,
'Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child'
(which turns sleep training into a magic trick if you follow the directions), but to Lady Rad's careful adherence to the book's advice to watch the sleep patterns of the child and "catch the sleep wave" when it hits. It hit last night at about 5:00pm, and Lady Rad was on like Robotron - in the middle of preparing Family Dinner, she handed the cooking reigns over to me (thankfully, it was just the pasta that I had to take over the finish line - no one can boil pasta like I can), got Q into her bath, and settled into 2 marathon nursing sessions which got our little girl to Sleepytime after about an hour, and with almost no fuss.
Can this mean that Lady Rad and my nights will start to become our own again? I'm not holding my breath any time soon. But little by little, Q has been sleeping longer and longer. Hope in the SuperRad home runs high.
Now we just have to figure out how to transition her out of our bedroom and into her shared room with Mu, without the wheels coming off of Mu's great sleep. Yet I have no doubt in Lady Rad's abilities, or the provisions of Someone Else.
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