Every year, Lady Rad and I have the same discussion - are we sending Christmas cards? If so, to who? If so, then from where? If so, then what do we put on it? The advent of digitally uploading photos to a photo-gift site is both a blessing and a curse: a wealth of low-cost solutions are available, but pairing down 1300 photos from the past year into 3 or 4 choice ones to represent your family's entire experience from the year can be overwhelming. Not to mention that both of the kids age so rapidly (because they are young, not because they are like Tom Hanks from '
') that a photo of the four of us from the Fall just isn't very representative of how our family looks right now.
Not to mention, FINDING a photo of LR and I where we
don't look exhausted and haggard would be a Christmas miracle in itself.
This year, Lady Rad and I decided to eschew our hopes of a family photo card, and resolved to just find four of the cutest pictures of Mu and Q, and slap their faces on a card, send it to our closest circle, and call it Christmas. Like past years, we'll be using
Shutterfly, both because they have a good selection of
Christmas Cards, and we stand a pretty good chance of not sending out the same one that everyone else has just sent. Plus, since we managed to miss the window to send a
birth announcement this year, we can kill two birds with one stone...
You know, "Unto us, a child is born... and her name is 'Q!'